A rare whale found dead off Massachusetts shows potential evidence of injury from entanglement in fishing gear, which is one of the most pressing threats to the vanishing species, federal authorities said. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said it was notified about the dead female North Atlantic right whale on Sunday off Martha’s Vineyard, Massachusetts. The right whale numbers less than 360 in the world and it is vulnerable to entanglement in gear and collisions with large ships. NOAA officials said members of the International Fund for Animal Welfare and Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head were able to secure the whale, and a necropsy will be performed when possible. However, early observations show the presence of rope entangled near the whale’s tale, the agency said. “Due to the animal’s position, the whale cannot be identified at this time, but it is estimated to be a juvenile due to its size,” NOAA said in a statement, adding that the whales are “approach...
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