This content collected from Boston News, Weather, Sports | WHDH 7News. The Whitman Police Department is looking for the owner of a United States Marine Corps ring that was found during a Memorial Day parade. The police department posted images of the ring on Facebook this week, explaining how a citizen had found the ring on Monday in Whitman Town Park. “We would love to reunite it with its owner,” the department stated. “If you or someone you know owns this ring please call us at: 781-447-1212.” The ring itself appears to have a red gemstone, with an image of the 1945 flag raising on Iwo Jima on one side and an image of Tun Tavern on the other – the Philadelphia tavern believed to have held the first-ever recruitment drive for what would become the USMC in 1775. Bangla Zoom is most popular bangladeshi website. We are working with bengali news , english news headlines, bangla blog tips, bangla health tips , entertainmnet and more bangla helpful tips. from Boston News, Weather...
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