Federal officials on Tuesday arrested Abhijit “Beej” Das, charging the North Andover resident with campaign finance violations in connection with his 2018 run for Congress. Das came in seventh in the 10-way Democratic primary for the seat now held by U.S. Rep. Lori Trahan. Acting U.S. District Attorney Nathaniel Mendell and other federal officials announced the arrest Tuesday morning, saying that Das allegedly solicited illegal campaign donations, used the money for business expenses and attempted to conceal it. Joseph Bonavolanta, special agent in charge of the FBI’s Boston division, said Das was arrested “for allegedly soliciting his friends and family for at least $125,000 in illegal campaign contributions, repeatedly dipping into his campaign coffers to pay outstanding debts related to his hotel business, and falsifying campaign finance reports to try and cover his tracks.” Mendell’s office alleged that between January and May 2018, Das “withdrew approximately $314,500 in funds...
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