Dee Rees ’ “The Last Thing He Wanted” is incomprehensible to an almost impressive degree—usually when a movie's narrative gets so out of control, it over-corrects itself at some point before the end. But not here. This international anti-thriller, which freely mixes hardworking journalism and weapons smuggling, continues to blaze its own path of gibberish up through a disastrous finale, an uncharacteristically slow shot that had my audience at the Sundance Film Festival laughing out loud. It’s the kind of movie that establishes one major detail or location, and then veers toward the next big one, and never lets us settle in. The first 15 minutes or so, for example, establish that Anne Hathaway ’s extremely dedicated journalist Elena McMahon has done some heroic work in Nicaragua; along with her peer Alma ( Rosie Perez ), they escape country in a thrilling shot that goes from outside the airport onto the runaway in one swoop. Moments later, Elena is back behind a desk ...
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